Fried Spareribs in Sour sauce

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spareribs 1.4 lb
minced garlic 1 tbsp

black vinegar 1.5 tbsp
ketchup 1 tbsp
light soy 1 tbsp
sugar 1 tbsp
water 3 tbsp
sesame oil 1/2 tsp

salt 1 tsp
sugar 1/2 tsp
whisked egg 1 tbsp
wine 1 tsp
cornflour 1 tbsp
  1. Chop spareribs into small sections and wash. Marinate with seasonings for about 1/2 hour.
  2. Heat half wok oil intensively, then put in spareribs. Turn to low heat and fry until cooked. Turn to high heat when about to remove from wok. Dish up.
  3. Saute mashed garlic with some oil and then add in sauce. Put in spareribs and stir well. Serve.